Are you frustrated with spending your hard-earned money on
Google Adwords and losing more money than you make? Part 2
of this series continues revealing the inside secrets of
successful, profitable advertising with Google Adwords.
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Secret #4 - Make separate AdGroups for each keyword within
Google Adwords
Google Adwords lets you create up to 25 campaigns per
account, with up to 100 AdGroups per campaign as of this
writing. It's important to organize your keywords into
separate AdGroups to maintain finer control over the ad text
for each keyword. If you had one AdGroup for the following
keywords: 'widgets', 'plastic widgets', and 'wooden
widgets', then the ads created for that AdGroup would have
to apply to all of the above keywords.
If your ad text reads: "50% off all plastic widgets" and
this ad is showing for the other keyword phrases in the same
AdGroup, then someone searching for 'wooden widgets'
probably will not be inclined to click on your ad that is
focused on people searching for 'plastic widgets'.
The way to be sure each ad is focused on the exact keyword
phrase being targeted is to have a separate AdGroup within
your Google Adwords account for each keyword phrase, and ad
text that exactly matches that phrase. For example, an
AdGroup named 'Plastic Widgets' with the keywords 'plastic
widget' and 'plastic widgets' can have an ad with text that
reads "50% off all plastic widgets" and the people searching
for 'plastic widgets' will see the ad most relevant to their
search term. Create a separate AdGroup for 'wooden
widgets', etc. Now you can create ads with text that
matches the exact keyword phrase for which people are
Secret #5 - Run tons of keywords in Google Adwords
Most people that have Google Adwords accounts find the top
keyword phrases for their industry and run ads for only
those keywords. This is a big mistake. The top keywords
are the ones that have the most competition and also the
lowest click-thru rates. Smart Google Adwords marketers
know that the more specific a keyword phrase is the more
people will click on the ad. People that search for a
keyword like 'widgets' are more likely to skip over an ad
targeting such a broadly targeted keyword. However, 'large
plastic widgets' is much more of a refined search and there
are far fewer advertisers with ads that target that phrase
so you get the double benefit of having fewer ads in
competition with yours and you can also run ad text that
exactly matches that keyword phrase!
Doing keyword research and compiling a large list of
keywords may be time consuming, but you will run rings
around your competition if you are willing to do what they
are not.
Secret #6 - Split-test your ads in Google Adwords
As mentioned in Part 1 of this series of articles on Google
Adwords, it is critical to split-test your ads. Google
Adwords has a built-in feature that lets you automatically
rotate the appearance of your ads so different ads can be
shown an equal number of times (or weighted more heavily
toward the ad that gets more clicks if you prefer - you can
change this in the campaign settings). The benefit of this
approach is that you will be able to see which ad gets a
better click-thru rate (CTR).
Since Google Adwords rewards a higher CTR with lower cost
per click (CPC), it is crucial that you know which ad has a
better CTR. Sometimes just swapping the ad text that
appears on lines 2 and 3 will make a big difference in your
ad performance.
Secret #7 - Improve your ads in Google Adwords
So what do you do if you find that after split-testing two
different ads a clear winner emerges? Simple. Chuck the
lower CTR ad, keep the winner, and create a new ad to
split-test against the current reigning champion. By
following this split-test strategy, you will constantly be
improving your ads CTR and lowering your CPC.
How do you know when a clear winner has emerged? Is it
enough to have two ads that both have received 10 clicks
each? Or should you wait until you have 100 clicks each
before making the determination that one ad is superior to
the other? Statistically, a total of 100 clicks between the
two ads will mean the answer is fairly certain, while 200
clicks between both ads is an almost definite certainty.
What's stopping you from finding qualified, motivated buyers
and getting them to your website when they are ready to buy?
There is no better marketplace for this steady stream of
valuable traffic than with Google Adwords. By employing the
tips and strategies outlined in this series of articles, you
will be armed to the teeth to convert those hard earned
dollars spent on Google Adwords into profits for your online
About the Author
Ron Isaiah is an expert online marketer. Get free eBooks,
mini-courses, tips and tricks by visiting
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